
Shinfield Studios: Reading's Hollywood Connection

March 18, 2025

The wait is over—the opening of Shinfield Studios is a historic moment for Reading as it steps onto the global entertainment stage. This monumental achievement positions this picturesque Berkshire town as a serious contender in film production, attracting major film and television productions from across the globe.

The state-of-the-art facility has brought Hollywood glamour to Reading and created a ripple effect throughout the local economy, including the services of Celador Apartments, offering high-quality accommodation near Shinfield Studios. Indeed, the studios are expected to generate around £600m a year for the UK economy.

Blockbusters and Beyond: Notable Productions at Shinfield

Since opening its doors at Thames Valley Science Park near Reading, the UK's biggest new film and television studio has attracted an impressive portfolio of productions. Major Hollywood studios have flocked to Reading, bringing with them A-list actors and world-renowned directors.

Several blockbuster franchises have filmed scenes at Shinfield, taking advantage of the expansive sound stages for complex action sequences and spectacular set pieces. Films and television shows filmed at Shinfield Studios include Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, The Magic Faraway Tree starring Clare Foy, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, and The Acolyte for LucasFilm/Disney+.

British productions have also found a home at Shinfield. From period dramas to contemporary thrillers, UK filmmakers have embraced this world-class facility on their doorstep. The studios have played host to critically acclaimed independent films, showcasing the diversity of productions that Shinfield can accommodate.

A professional film production set with crew members operating cameras and adjusting lighting in a controlled studio environment.

Why Stay Near Shinfield Studios?

For film industry professionals working at Shinfield, Celador Apartments offers the ideal accommodation solution. These serviced apartments offer a genuine home-from-home experience for those working on extended productions.

Each apartment features spacious living areas, fully-equipped kitchens and comfortable bedrooms, allowing guests to maintain their normal routines despite being away from home. Our apartments' generous proportions make them ideal as a place to unplug from working at the studio, as well as for storing equipment or hosting impromptu production meetings.

Celador Apartments understands the needs of film industry professionals seeking accommodation near Shinfield Studios. Our apartments’ locations provide easy access to Shinfield Studios and Reading's vast array of amenities. After a long day of filming, our guests can enjoy the town's restaurants, pubs and entertainment venues, all within minutes of their temporary home.

Exploring Reading's Film Culture

Shinfield Studios has sparked a renaissance in Reading's film culture. The town now boasts several cinema-themed cafés where film enthusiasts gather to discuss the latest releases. Independent cinemas have flourished, screening mainstream hits and arthouse films to appreciative audiences. Pop-up outdoor screenings in some of Reading's parks have become summer highlights, bringing communities together for shared viewing experiences under the stars.

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